About Craig Riley

Why me?

My name is Craig Riley, I am a Freelance WordPress webiste designer & SEO specialist based in Zimbabwe

I have been working online either building websites for myself or for clients. I love the “SEO Game” as it is constantly evolving and if you are not uptodate with correct techniques a website will fail. 

The challenge is not to get a website to #1 on Google, it is to increase a clients turnover from the internet.

If you are looking for someone to help you with your website design, website optimisation then get in touch and see what I can do for you.

Craig Riley

A little of my History

I used to sell “Premium Positions” on a directory in the UK to local businesses and one of the biggest headache answers I received my businesses was “My website brings in enough customers”, this answer annoyed me greatly so I decided to learn why…

I went and purchased a domain, signed up for Blogger.com and boom I had a website. I started to learn what this web game entailed, watched hundreds, if not thousands of hours of videos on Youtube and read blogs all in the name of understanding so when I spoke to potential businesses, I could relate. 

Web Design Zimbabwe

* My first website I built for Zimbabwe clients 🙂 

What happened after is I started to rank for keywords and my little website started to generate 1000’s of views daily. I was over the moon! 

Where I am now in my life all stems from the urge to better my sales with this company. 

Today, I run and manage over 12 websites of my own that return a monthly income, I manage 100’s of clients website and email hosting and when asked, I build and optimise webistes for clients.